David Moritz
David Moritz is fascinated by process driven projects that embody experiments with temporary structures, natural materials and their interconnectedness to intangible values and human sensations. Uncertainty is engrained in the DNA of these experiences; being flexible with the unplanned, inspired by failure, and trusting the unknown to find something unexpected. David is an architect and an assistant professor for sustainable design and experimental construction at the BTU Cottbus.
He is founder of the studio rocknrollarchitecture and an associate at the collective ConstructLab, working on temporary structures within socio-cultural contexts. He is engaged in the practice-based PhD program (PEP) at the TU Berlin focusing on workshop formats in combination with sustainable building techniques such as rammed earth construction. His other passions include space architecture, envisioning building scenarios on the moon. With the likes of the European Space Agency and Swiss Space Center, he is constructing an analog moon habitat for Igluna 2020. Above all – he loves his monkey.